March 27, 2024


We truly see in our everyday practices that the atlas (C-1) vertebra misalignment plays either a causative or contributory role in the nervous system dysfunction. There is special group of chiropractors called an upper cervical chiropractor. These people have been very disciplined to explore the connection between the atlas vertebra misalignment and its association with structural and neurological functions.

National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA) has been developing this system of imaging protocols and analysis to deal with the small and measurable spinal misalignment in the craniocervical junction (CCJ) at the base of the skull. We call it, Atlas subluxation. This appears to be influencing lots of brain functions, and upper cervical chiropractors have been curious to understand how this small misalignment in the upper cervical spine can cause interference to the nervous system, and particularly, via brain vascular flow.


Let’s take a look at the anatomy briefly.

The upper neck is the most complex joint in the spine. There are no spinal discs in between these joints. This joint relies on muscles and connective tissues to stabilize the brain and spinal cord. This atlas (C-1) needs to bear the weight of our skull while it provides the majority of the head rotation.

The nature of this structure of this joint makes this particularly vulnerable to injury. Sometimes, accidents, injuries, and repeated traumas can damage this joint in complex ways and can lead to instability.

When the atlas shifts out of its proper position, it’s no longer in alignment with the foramen magnum at base of the skull and superior articulating surface of C1, and this can lead to complications in the brain communication.

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This region entails very important structures—such as brainstem, upper cervical spinal cord, brain vascular flow, CSF flow, etc.—that contribute significantly to our brain communications.

So, the structural problem in this specific region of the head and neck can lead to something called, the Atlas Subluxation Complex Syndrome.

Historically, chiropractic profession has been curious about how the spinal misalignments interfere with the nervous system. NUCCA chiropractors have been very interested to develop a system of analysis and corrective procedure to deal with the small and measurable misalignment in the craniocervical junctions called Atlas subluxation.

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Public and professional recognitions have grown regarding how addressing this C1 misalignment can markedly reduce the severity and frequency of these signs and symptoms listed here.

To us, it appears very clearly that the problem in our upper neck region may not only contribute, but in many cases, is the primary cause of many neurological disorders including autonomic nerve problems—such as breathing, heart beating, eye coordination, posture control, blood pressure, etc.

Two complications: physical stress and brain blood flow